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The Sites & Premises Programme

The focus of the Sites & Premises Programme is to stimulate property investment in the Mid Wales region to support our buoyant and varied industry sectors ensuring the right supply and location to meet business needs.

A map of Ceredigion and Powys indicating potential sites for development

There is a recognised lack of modern and technical commercial stock available and historically there have been low levels of speculative development to help improve market options here. Ensuring the right supply and location of employment land and premises to meet our businesses' needs is a vital component of enhancing the competitiveness of the local economy.

Following an initial piece of work that identified a need to develop additional employment sites across the region, further work has been completed to scope a proposed Growth Deal Sites and Premises Programme. Growing Mid Wales are now looking to develop a business case for this investment, implementing sustainable development projects that will help meet the identified local market demand for employment premises.

A programme board has already been established to oversee development and delivery of the Programme, and dedicated Growth Deal resources are in place to drive this forward. Over the coming months real estate advisers, Savills, will be working with the team to consider the planning, economic and development viability of a shortlist of strategic employment sites, the next important step towards formulating a deliverable Programme. 

The Sites and Premises Programme was the focus of our February newsletter. You can view this and previous editions on our News and Events page

A list of strategic employment sites is currently under consideration in terms of planning, economic and development viability. The map below  outlines site opportunities across Ceredigion and Powys.

A map of Ceredigion and Powys indicating potential sites for development

We are always looking for businesses and potential investors to work with us to help achieve the Programme's full potential. If you are interested in talking more on investment opportunities or would like to get involved in some capacity, please contact us:

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